Sunday, June 12, 2011

On Government Efficiency...

As is rather obvious at this point, I'm working for the government. Turn out, all those things that people say about the government being inefficient are kinda true (at least, as far as my experience goes.) For example....

My first day, I filled out paperwork and forms and visited people to get my name into various systems. (Yes, many systems. For some reason, there did not appear to be a single "new government employee" system, where an address, phone, and ID number would be entered just once...) Right around lunch-time, all that was pretty much finished, and about the only thing I had left to do was to finish a security training so I could get an email address. This training was done by computer, and the first part was a video that required flash. Flash is not installed on my work computer, so I told them I'd finish the training at home. The first page of the website says that this will only take 20-30 minutes to complete the entire training. I began at 1pm.

The flash video took ~10 minutes (it was about email phishing). The first time, this was not a big deal. (dun dun duuuuuuun <-- foreboding music) At the end of the video, you push "next" and enter the module portion of the training. There were 12 modules. Each module had a text box on one side, and then a picture/flash video on the other side. This was super annoying. They didn't really go together, so you'd start off reading the text (video was slow to load), then all of a sudden, there's a video with text of it's own playing. Anyway... I completed the first module, and then tried to go on to the second. The webpage crashed. Fine. I reopened the page. Can't enter the module portion until you watch the phishing video. Fine. I hit play, and opened my email. Came back to check on it a few minutes later... apparently, if the window is not the active window, the video does not play. Sigh. Fine. I'll sit here and watch the video again. I thankfully note that it registered my completion of module 1, and I move on to module 2. Same annoying dual demands for attention. Website crashes at end of module 2. Sigh. Fine. Reload, get a snack. Come back and (thinking I'll beat the system), open up module 3, 4 and 5 in different tabs. All good. Finish module 3, all three tabs crash. Sigh. Fine. Reload, ponder another snack.

So, all in all, it took 3 or so hours to finish this training. But hey, it's time well spent, because now the government has ensured that I won't make basic security mistakes. (But, the modules about the different privacy laws... I'm lost. They never defined their abbreviations, and I have no idea what they're talking about. Lesson learned: have someone else collect subject data.) After all, there was a true or false quiz at the end. I missed half of the questions. What?!? Looked back at the "correct" answers, they went like this (paraphrased):

True or False; If your government-owned computer full of sensitive high-security information and private patient data gets left at a coffee shop with the password written on a sticky note stuck on the screen, you should wait around at least a day or so to notify someone, while you look for it yourself and save face.

(I say: False) Wrong. No, this is true. It's important to notify the information technology department within one hour of losing any government-owned property. Never wait to share this information. The IT department can disable your laptop to protect the information on it. It's better to be safe (and find it yourself later), than sorry.

I now understand just that much better what people mean by "good enough for government work." Sheesh. Half the answers. I mean, really.

There were signs of efforts to be more efficient in later training/orientation sessions. My orientation session happened one week after I started (I was the only intern in my institute to start that day, so they put off my orientation a week... see, efficient). In order to be green, they didn't give us any handouts, just a flash drive (plus, a sweet zippered reusable grocery bag) with all the training material loaded onto it . Poorly labeled. With no directions about what applied to us and what didn't, and in a format I can't open on my office computer. Um, those trainings never got finished.

But, that was just an isolated incident, right? No, not really. There are examples everywhere of time wasted daily on dumb things. The girls bathroom in my office has a broken automatic toilet flusher, a broken automatic paper towel dispenser, and a broken (manual) toilet paper dispenser. The (working?) automatic faucet's sensor is pointed outside the flow of the water, resulting in an awkward cycle of jets of water to get your hands washed, then back out to the sensor now that the water turned off. Oh, and it gets the roll of paper towels sitting on the sink (dispenser's broken) wet.

The most disturbing example of the inefficiencies, I think, are the building layouts. For instance, my office is in building 10, room 1D80. To get there, you have to go down hallway N. Makes perfect sense. Why didn't I think of that? My second day, (the first day, I had someone to walk around with, but that was a Friday, and this was Monday, and now I was fuzzy about the details), I wasn't quite sure how I was supposed to get to my office, so I asked a kind-looking stranger in the hallway. He had no idea. Same with the next kind-looking stranger. Finally, the third person I asked (he looked OK) knew where to find a map. Good enough.

This isn't just our building, either. The administration is in building 31. My first experience with building 31 was when I went to apply for transhare (where they pay for your metro commute - sweet!). I was supposed to go to room B3B04. Um... so I went to building 31, and the first room I saw was A104. So, I guess I'm looking for the third floor? Took the elevator to the third floor - it's a single hallway, A301-A330. ::blink:: Kind-looking stranger, where is this room? Kind-looking stranger replies, "I don't know. But I don't think you can get there from here, you'll have to go back down to the first floor." First, I hate that line - "you can't get there from here." Of course, you can. You just have to go from here to somewhere in between. Unless it's somewhere you can never get to, and maybe that's what a parking office is like. But, I digress. I went back down to the first floor, and, with what seems to be my only real strategy, looked for a kind-looking stranger. (Perhaps, one day, I'll have asked enough kind-looking strangers for directions that I'll run out, and either have to turn to angry/mean looking strangers, or kind-looking people whom I've already asked for directions...). Anyway, next KLS told me that B-wing was that way, and after that, she didn't know. Next KLS, "you have to go down to the third basement." I'm getting closer. Of the room name "B3B04," I've deciphered "B3B." "04" should be easy. No. The hallway has numbers like B3B204. wtf, man, really? Finally, KLS#I-don't-even-know-anymore actually knew where the parking office was. Turns out, she works on this floor. Probably took 7 or 8 people to get me there.

Last week, I had CPR training in building 31. Room B4BN09. Yes, you've correctly noted that there's an extra letter in there that wasn't in the last room number. I've got deciphering to do! But, I left myself an extra half hour before the training to get to the room, confidently stroll to the B-wing, and to the elevators to get to the fourth basement, when.... crap. There's only three basements. So, fourth floor? No. KLS says, "That's in the fourth basement, floor 4B." I say, "But there isn't a floor 4B on the elevator." KLS says, "Oh, you went to the wrong elevators. Go to the elevators at that end of the hall." Oh, of course, why didn't I exhaust all possibilities of elevators? So, to a new bank of elevators I go, which do, in fact, allow entrance to 4B. In the elevator lobby, I see someone pouring over the map of the floor (it really only shows emergency exit procedures, no "you are here." Totally not helpful in either situation. Plus, why is that next to the elevators? Shouldn't you take the stairs in an emergency?) I asked her (the LLS, lost-looking stranger), "CPR training?" "yeah... do you know where it is?" "nope, but we can look together." New friend. :-) We did eventually find it. The N is apparently the opposite of C, which were the two choices for room designations on that floor. They were in no particular order. Still arrived 5 minutes late. It apparently takes at least 35 minutes to find a room.

So, besides the fact that inefficiencies waste everyone's time (and thus money), there are some (I feel) unnerving consequences to this. You see, Building 10 (where I work) is a hospital. Not the kind of hospital where you go when you break a leg, but the kind where you go when you have an incurable disease. A research hospital. But still, there are real, live patients who are sick. As any of you out there who have ever watched a hospital-based TV show will be aware, the real drama of a show, I mean, hospital, comes with the code team. Life and death hang in the balance, and a heroic team of people show up with a cart full of just-about-magic, and life wins. At least, that's how it happens in the movies. In an actual hospital, the code teams shows up (and hijacks the elevator, making us late to lab meeting, but I'll forgive them because they're heroic and stuff), and the first one (the leader?) says, "Shit, how do you work this key thing?!?" She starts messing with buttons. We stop at floor 4 - our stop. No one moves. "Shit." Close door. She jams the key in and tries some buttons. Another hero asks, "What was the room again?" Someone answers. It's on the 10th floor. The elevator stops at floor 6. "Shit" Luckily, no one else in the elevator wanted to go anywhere else, so we should be finally headed to floor 10 now. "G hallway, where's that?" "Don't know" Elevator stops at floor 10. The cart and code team roll out, and as the doors close, I see them call "Hey, you!" to the first KLS they can find.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

First Week at Work, and other Adventures

So, this isn't Eric writing.  But, he's also been negligent in posting, so I shall update you on some of the new mini-adventures we've encountered.  I'll also start off the first interactive game.

Most of our mini-adventures consist of simply figuring out where to go for normal parts of life, and then trying to navigate our way there.  For instance, the nearest Presbyterian church is literally hidden in the woods - great for a feeling of a sanctuary, terrible for visitors who are *almost* on time... and then not at all on time. It's also close enough to walk to, but not in the time that google said it would take. Late again... and sweaty.  But, the people are nice and the pastor's good - both thought provoking and funny.

In a related adventure, (they're both life necessities), we searched for an Indian buffet.  This brings me to our first interactive game: One of These Things Is Not Like The Others, or Name The Poser.  The following are the names of the restaurants in the strip mall where we found India Garden:

India Garden
Pho 95
El Mariachi
Bubble Express
Yuan Fu Vegetarian
International House of Pancakes (IHOP)

There may have been a few more legitimately international restaurants.  I think there may have been a Pizza Hut too... you know, Italian. :-)

For me, the rest of the week has pretty much been spent working (fancy that!).  I'm working in the Functional Imaging Methods lab at NIH, which is part of the Laboratory of Brain and Cognition in the National Institute of Mental Health. Or, as it is more likely to be writting NIMH/LBC/FIM.  They're fond of acronyms round about these parts.  Anyway, my projects (yes... plural) deal with things like 'How many scans are necessary to see consistent results?' or 'What happens if you take 100 runs and average them together rather than the usual 5-10 or so?  Can we validate/invalidate some of the usual assumptions made in fMRI?' or 'What happens if we make music out of the noise in the brain? And if we do, can you teach someone to control it?'  Well, that last one's not exactly the project, but kinda close.  I'm really enjoying it so far. Learning a lot.  I ate lunch next to the guy that wrote AFNI on Friday.  That may not sound super exciting (especially if you don't know what AFNI is), but I imagine it's sort of what it would be like to sit next to Bill Gates if Windows worked well.  Sort of.

It's a bit weird to not have class work and a bunch of "priority #1" projects floating around at the same time.  The result, as I see it, is that when I get bored of working on something, I can't just switch over to some other equally important project.  It makes the days a little slow, but oh well, c'est la vie I suppose.  I can still come home and juggle a few Purdue projects when I'm bored. :-\  Plus, I'm told that this lab gets papers out.  So, although the days feel kinda long, I've been assured many times that it will be a productive summer.  I do really enjoy being done by 5:30 or so.  I have to stop then to come home and let the puppy out, and my request for access from home hasn't gone through yet.

The dog seemed to be adjusting well, and then Eric left, and now she's all angsty again.  But not clingy.  When we first came to Maryland, she was all clingy, and got really anxious if Eric and I were not both there with her.    Then, she sort of adjusted to the new place, and began to really like the extra attention from Maria.  Now that Eric's gone, one would expect that she would again be clingy, but no.  She'll hardly even sit in my lap.  Apparently, the puppy doesn't love me anymore.  Or maybe, it's just because it's so hot and sticky here.  (She does still whine at me the minute I walk though the door and randomly try to play tug of war with my hand... so I'm going with "hot and sticky").

Yes, sticky... as it turns out, being nearer to the ocean means that it's humid out. Who knew?  So, when it's 70 degrees here, it feels so much hotter than when it's 70 in Indiana.  Additionally, I have to walk more places here, and am expected to arrive looking more presentable than I would for class.  I'm learning some of the tricks of the commuting trade - like wearing only the bottom layer of your outfit on the metro (and the walk to and from), and carrying the rest in your bag, and packing your nice shoes, but getting there in flip flops.  Another lesson from the metro: they're really far down.  It's not a big deal most of the time, except that you lose cell phone coverage.  But, when the escalators break (and magically turn into stairs), it gets to be a big deal.  A big deal compounded by the stickiness.  The stairs (I mean escalator) at the Bethesda station broke on Friday.  On Friday, I ate dinner with 3 old labmates.  Apparently, Bethesda is just Purdue East or something. On Wednesday, I ate dinner with Matt, who was in town doing an installation.  We ate dinner at a little Italian place with outdoor seating so I could keep the Angsty One with me (she needed a nice walk anyway).  The service was slow, and we ended up having to power walk back to beat the thunderstorm.  We did - by about 5 minutes.

It's been rainy all week, which has kinda gotten in the way of me "running."  Yeah, running's in quotes.  If you saw me "run," you'd understand. :-P  Unfortunately, this is limiting my wardrobe.  You see, the dress pants (and casual pants, for that matter) that I own were purchased over a wide range of time, and consequently pant sizes.  Right now, I'm limited to black and charcoal slacks.  I can kinda squeeze into the brown ones, but they're not really comfortable all day.  Goal: brown pants and potentially even camel colored ones by the end of May.  After that, pin stripe grey pants and then light grey ones.  Somewhere around the pinstripe pants, I can also fit into my capris.  Interestingly, though, if things work out well exercise-wise, my clothes will become progressively lower in quality as the summer progresses, and at any given point, I'll probably only have two to choose from.  Hmm.  Maybe when I get to the camel colored pants, I'll shop a bit.  It'll be a bit of a reward.  Congrats to me.

Oh, that reminds me.  Eric passed him prelim and Mitchel's (finally, officially) engaged, and moving to New York for his new job this week.  Congrats to all --  To Adventure!

Monday, May 9, 2011

Day 2 - What Maryland has taught me.... already

As a lifetime Midwesterner, you can imagine the culture shock that I'm going through after moving to this part of the country.  Life outside of D.C. is considerably different than anything I experienced at home.  In response to requests I received before I left, here's the first installment of "What Maryland has taught me..."

1.  Interstates are for sitting, not for driving.

As I was warned before I left Indiana, traffic here is ridiculous.  I was amused when Maria was telling us that she went through the city in order to save time, instead of taking the interstate.  Here's the view from a bridge over I-270 at about 3:00 p.m. yesterday (Sunday):

2.)  U-turns are an essential and encouraged part of drivers-ed

I've never taken so many U-turns in so short of time than I have in my two days here.  Many places here are unreachable without them, as the two major roads in N. Bethesda are divided highways with concrete medians.  On top of that, for some reason the business signs here are not above tree level, so we frequently cruise right by our target destination and are forced to do a "Maryland special" as I have started referring to them as.

3.) Places here cannot be found except by those who already know where they are...

To be honest a good part of our adventure so far has been just trying to navigate the area.  In addition to the lack of tall signs, the high population density forces many businesses to improvise when it comes to building shape.  For example, we spent 30 mins looking for the Target, only to find out that it is only visible when approached from the North, and is only accessible through the parking garage that blocks the sight of the building in the first place.  Is there a nice tall sign guiding would-be patrons to the store... no... where is the sign?  On the ground, 10 ft tall, and not visible until you've already arrived at the store.

4.)  If I am ever single again (God forbid) I'm buying a mini-Schnauzer

I think Furmata has gotten more attention than either of us have.  Every female and gay guy below the age of 30 stops and talks to her.  Believe me guys... CHICK MAGNET.  Get one and you won't be disappointed.

5.)  I truly am a fatty...

After 2 days and walking 8 miles, I can honestly say that I am in pain.  And thats pathetic!!  There is some hope though... there are a lot of really fit people here.  Perhaps if I stay long enough I'll catch it too!!  High food prices + traffic jams = walking lots = dropping weight like it's hot!

We shall leave it at that, as the day has more than stated and we have an exciting first encounter with the Metro scheduled for today.  The weather is still beautiful here, hope everyone else is experiencing something similar.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Day 1 - To parts unknown...

      Well, after a 12 hour drive, a stop in Washington, PA and half a day of official homelessness (we were tempted to find a bridge to sit under), we've found our home away from home, and for a great price.  Housing here is ridiculous-- $1400/mo for a 1bed/1 bath before the $150 utility bill and who knows how high of food prices.  Luckily, we found a room in a shared townhouse in North Bethesda that was more reasonable.... $1200/mo including utilities.  Our landlord and housemate, Maria, is an Ecuadorian Spanish translator and has been more than welcoming.  She gave us the tour of Bethesda yesterday and the area is just beautiful.

You'll have to excuse the photo editing job... a netbook is just not designed for precision...

    We've spent most of today exploring the N. Bethesda area and figuring out how Meghan is going to get to work w/o a car.  I think later we will attempt our first Metro ride and see how that goes.  Looks like we're going to be walking a lot... which is good both for the wallet and for the diet... Goodbye couch, hello 5k.  There's no Walmart in Bethesda (darn hippies) so we are off to find our new shopping locale.  For those of you that are a little more picky about your food choices, apparently there is a new Whole Foods, Trader Joe's and Organic Market around here somewhere and a fancy-shmancy supermarket called Balducci's which apparently is super expensive.  Regardless, we need to go shopping, because even though the food around here seems to be really good, it's also really expensive.  I'm seeing a trend here...

In general all three of us have been very pleased with the move.  The area we're in is very nice.  People have been very friendly (until they get in their cars that is).  The food has been really good as well.  Go figure... leave a college town and have great pizza twice in one day!!

I'm going to try to update everyday or so... we'll see how it goes.  I've already got some ideas for interactive activities to keep everyone engaged...BE EXCITED!!!

The weather has been beautiful here... hope everyone else is experiencing something similar!